Online Submission System Member Join

Privacy Policy for Manuscript Submission and Peer Review

Our Submission and Peer Review System offers the services of online submission and peer review. In order to use the aforementioned services, you have to set up an initial account. With regard to the registration of an account and its subsequent use, we process the following information.

- Information that is provided by registration such as your name, user name and email address.
- Information in connection with an account sign-in facility, e.g. log-in and password details;
- Communications sent by you, e.g. peer review forms.
- Content files provided by you
- Information received from societies we work with, e.g. address, name, email address

The information that is necessary for the performance of the service is labelled accordingly.

We will process the personal data you provide in order to:
- Identify you at sign-in;
- Administer your account;
- Provide you with the services and information offered through the Submission and Peer Review System or which you additionally request;
- Communicate with you;

Your personal account registration data is, in the absence of exceptions within the specific services mentioned, retained for as long as your account is used. Non-activity is defined at a minimum of three years, to facilitate ease-of-return for account holders. Content and communications, associated with submissions, reviews or decisions made by an account holder is held for a period of 12 months following final decision before being stored within long term limited-access archiving. Content may be engaged in relation to the services provided and in the interests of the integrity of published material. Such a decision will be made under the oversight of the JCPC. The need for ethical issue can lead to a longer retention of your personal data.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is our legitimate interest in finding and contacting suitable and qualified peer reviewers to ensure the high level of papers and articles published in our journals.

I agree.

* must be entered as a required item.

* Name

Last Name


Middle Name


First Name

* ID
* Password

Please enter your password once more.

* Password confirmation
* E-mail
* Mobile phone

※ The country code should be specified. Ex: +82-10-000-000

* Affiliation
* Position
* Address




* Subscription certification 클릭하면 새로고침 됩니다. * Add the number next to you. Click the number and it will be refreshed